How to Copy and Paste Text From a PDF

Looking to understand how to copy text from one PDF to paste into a document? Or, maybe you want to copy text from one PDF and paste it into another PDF? PDFs are versatile document formats because they preserve formatting settings across any device. However, they can sometimes be tricky to work with, requiring special …

How to White Out a PDF

Using the Digital Whiteout Tool on PDF.Live Remember whiteout? It came in a small bottle or tape, which you brushed, rolled or sponged on paper to cover up errors. It could be messy and smelly, too! Today’s digital whiteout is much easier to use, and PDF.Live’s tutorial walks you through the white-out application. There are …

How to Rearrange Pages in a PDF

Do you need to change the order of pages in a PDF file? Whether you have to edit the order of pages, reorder pages or otherwise simply change the order of your PDF, this click-and-drag tool will make it easy for you. Change the Order of PDF Pages The size of a PDF can range …