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How to Rotate a PDF (1 Page or Multiple Pages)

How do you permanently rotate PDF pages? If you need to change the orientation of one page in a PDF, several pages, or an entire PDF file you can do that easily with this online tool. Our tutorial shows you how to rotate and save PDF documents that way.
Rotating pages on a PDF is useful if you have single or multiple pages on a document that need to be displayed in a different orientation. Your PDF may be mostly in portrait, for example, and you need a few pages to be displayed horizontally in landscape. You can rotate one or multiple pages of your choice using the online PDF.Live editor. This editor functions entirely in your browser — no additional downloads are required.
Rotating PDF Pages with PDF.Live
First, drag and drop your PDF into the PDF.Live editor to upload it and select Edit PDF to start editing.

Once your PDF is displayed in the editor, select the Rotate Pages icon on the left side under PDF.Live’s Quick Tools. This will show the pages of your PDF in thumbnail view, which is a condensed version that’s easier for editing pages.

From here, you can click on a page within your PDF. Doing so will show three icons underneath each picture. The icon on the left is the rotate button. Clicking this will rotate a page clockwise.

You’ll see the rotation reflected both in the thumbnail view and the editor.

Of course, rotating pages 90 degrees clockwise can be limiting, so if you need a more specific rotation, click the 3 dots … icon to view additional page editing options. Under Page Orientation, you can rotate a page clockwise or counterclockwise for more specific rotations.

To rotate multiple pages at the same time, Shift + Click or Ctrl + Click the pages you want to rotate. At the bottom of the thumbnail page view, you’ll see a few familiar icons for manipulating pages in a PDF. The icons on the far left are the “rotate clockwise” and “rotate counterclockwise” tools. Click these to rotate all of your selected pages at the same time.

After you’ve rotated all the pages you need, you’ll need to download a new version of the PDF from the editor to see your changes reflected. This new version will contain the rotations and any other changes you’ve made.
Other PDF readers, such as Apple’s Preview app, will allow you to rotate pages and make other edits. Readers are separate applications that are downloaded on your computer, however, and won’t allow you to make changes in your web browser.