Resource Center Resource Center

How to create, work with, convert, manage and get creative with PDF files.

PDF Basics

Thousands of people everyday ask, “What is a PDF?” answers what, where, when and how about PDF documents.

Working With PDFs goes beyond the basics to answer advanced questions about editing, managing and changing PDF documents.

Get Creative with PDFs

We answer niche questions about using PDFs for job searches, converting family documents, and working with e-pubs.

Other Topics

What’s a ZIP file? How do you scan stuff? What’s a .tiff file? We answer these PDF-related questions and more in this resource center.

Editing PDFs Tutorials

A series of short articles that show how to edit PDFs, including changing images, erasing content, and using online white out for PDF edits.

Converting PDFs Tutorials

Short articles that include step-by-step instructions on how to convert file formats. Change a PDF into a JPG, vice versa and more.

Annotating PDFs Tutorials

Short tutorials that explain how to add text to PDFs, create signatures, type in a PDF and draw on PDF documents online. Annotating PDFS.